Join our upcoming webinar - July 9

Eternal Business. Real Life.

As A Leader and Christ-follower in the Workplace...

have you ever felt

Lonely are the only one out there?

Isolated place to go for ideas?

Overwhelmed many situations that drain your energy?

Discover Truth At Work today!

You don't have to go it alone. There is a community waiting for you!

Business Leader Peer Advisory Groups

Truth At Work exists to transform Christian business leaders through authentic peer advisory groups, applying biblical truth for living out our faith in all areas of life.

We provide a refuge for like-minded peers as we live out our faith in the workplace year after year. 

Finding biblical community, when and ...

Our Vision

To see Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leaders living with an eternal perspective, in Biblical community, impacting their spheres of influence!

What to Expect

If you are a leader - business owner, key executive, president, or executive director - and have ever felt overwhelmed, knowing that families and communities depend on you, isolated from others who have the same challenges, join us to discover the unique community of Truth At Work

Monthly we engage in 

Lively ...

Round Table Discussion

Members have the opportunity to present current and pressing business and personal challenges, opportunities, and issues to the group for Godly counsel, advice, and input. The typical Round Table Group has over 300 years of experience providing a Godly "board of advisors " that provides priceless insight and wisdom.

Member Presentations

Each monthly meeting, one member is "featured" where they present a "state of the union" report to the group where they give an in-depth overview of what is important in their personal/ business/ spiritual life, and receives input, encouragement, and advice on how to grow in each key area.

Member Testimonies

Core Values

  • Biblical Christ-Centerness
  • Safety & Confidentiality
  • Authentic Community
  • Integrity of Heart and Skillful Hands
  • Victory Through Godly Counsel
  • Accountability to Commitments